It is 12th October 2015. The readings are from Rom. 1:1-7 and the Gospel from Lk.11:29-32. The first reading is a personal introduction of St. Paul who he is. He calls himself as the Servant of Jesus Christ and an apostle. The main purpose of an apostle is to proclaim Jesus to all people. He felt that he was set apart for the service of God. Paul claims that God has entrusted to him a special task. Yes, it is indeed a privilege to be called for a specific work with the responsibility attached. We too are invited to become God’s family, and to be holy people through this call to be a missionary for Jesus, the Lord. The responsorial Psalm intones, “The Lord has made known his salvation.” (Ps.97:2). The Gospel wants us to believe Jesus comparing ourselves with the people of Nineveh and the Queen of the South who did not know Christ yet they believed God and repented. There will be no sign for us except the resurrection of Jesus. The message of salvation is open for all people. The sign of Jonah is that Jesus to remain in the belly of the earth for three days after His death and rise again. “There is something greater than Jonah here.” (Lk.11:32). We are all running behind miracles, miracle workers and healers forgetting the one who created us and continue to love us. Running behind the lies and magic will make us tired very soon and our lives will be truly empty at the end. Let us be bold enough to follow the teachings of Jesus, if we truly believe Him. May the Lord give you peace.