It is 22nd October 2015. The readings are from Rom.6:19-23 and the Gospel from Lk.12:49-53. In the first reading, St. Paul speaks of the power of sin. Sin destroys everything. Sin is at war with God and the values of the Kingdom from within. There is no good in sin. Sin destroys our relationship with God and one another. Every sin is ultimately destroys the power of love. Sin robs our happiness and joy. Sin wants to get rid of God and God’s goodness and destroying the meaningful life with God. At the end, no sin is going unpunished. “For the wage paid by sin is death; but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Rom. 6:23). The responsorial Psalm prays, “Happy the person who trusts in the Lord.” (Ps.1:5). The Gospel warns about the judgement. The crucifixion of Jesus is the baptism Jesus refers to. Everyone has to make a choice, either for Jesus or against Jesus. There is no middle ground with Jesus. This choice for Jesus surely divides and cuts human relationships. Loyalty, commitment and trust in Jesus must be declared, the sides must be taken for Jesus in public and the boundary lines of charity in favour of Jesus need to be marked. Jesus demands response from each one of us who put trust in Him. It is inevitable to evade the judgment of charity. Every believer must be a flame or fire of love. This fire of love purifies, cleanses every sin in us and around us. Whose side are we going to take? Are we going to take the side of Jesus or sin? May the Lord give you peace.