It is 17th December 2015. The readings are from Genesis 49:2, 9-10 and the Gospel from Matthew 1:1-17. The first reading from the first book of the Bible presents the blessings as well as the prophecy. Jacob prophesied that the scepter of Judah pass through until rests in Him whom it belongs. “The scepter shall not pass from Judah…, until he comes to whom it belongs, to whom the people shall render obedience.” (Gen.49:10). The responsorial Psalm praises, “In his days justice shall flourish and peace till the moon fails.” (Ps.71:7). The Gospel describes the genealogy of Jesus. The genealogy is the compressed history. The family tree of the Lord Jesus has forty-two names. God’s unshakable faithfulness to all three times fourteen generations. Our ancestors were great people and some of them were sinners too. Names of four women are mentioned who had difficulties in their relations with the others, namely Tamar, who deceived her father-in-law, Rahab, a harlot, Ruth, a Moabite and Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah. The time of Advent and the Jubilee of Mercy must teach us to love the sinners and hate the sins. Moreover, in human history, even in the failure of human weakness, God gloriously emerges as the victorious king and God cannot be limited by human failures or sins. God accomplishes God’s plan in the historical context of human history by bring Jesus, the Messiah, who makes everything possible for all those who believe in Him. May God bless you to walk in God’s light.