It is 14th January 2016. The readings are from 1 Sam.4:1-11 and the Gospel from Mark 1:40-45. The first reading presents a bitter and painful defeat of Israel. They trusted themselves and fought the war against Philistines and eventually lost the war. Finally they pawned the Ark of the Covenant, which contained the stone tablets of the Ten Commandments. Philistines captured the Ark and destroyed the temple in Shiloh. The Ark of the Covenant is only a reminder of God’s presence. People made it as God. Let not our sacramental become petty gods, magical weapons and let us not attribute some magical powers to them unnecessarily. When we lose sight of God and God’s mighty presence in our lives, we might face the inevitable. It is the total trust in God brings us the desired victory and success in our lives while facing the powerful opponent. The responsorial Psalm prays, “Redeem us, O Lord, because of your love.” (Ps.43:27). The Gospel reminds us of a merciful Jesus who is more than willing to heal us no matter what is our sickness is. Our faith is the free response to God’s grace and mercy. “If you want to, you can cure me,” (Mk.1:40) is the attitude to enjoy God’s mercy. Jesus reassures us in every occasion, “Of course I want to! Be cured.” The kindness, compassion and mercy of Jesus is overwhelming. The power of Jesus goes out to heal all those who can approach the person of mercy. Let us not be ashamed of approaching Jesus in confidence. He has no reason to ignore us. Indeed, there is no shortage of mercy with God. There is none out there to solve our problems and sicknesses except our ever merciful God. May God grant you peace and have a good day.

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