It is 15th January 2016. The readings are 1Samuel 8:4-7, 10-22; and the Gospel from Mark 2:1-12. In the first reading, having defeated by Philistines, people pointed the fingers to God about the absence of the king. The people were comparing themselves with the neighbouring countries and putting their trust in human administration rather than divine providence and guidance. Even though God was the ruler of Israel, people preferred to have a human king for their security and governance. Samuel hesitated and explained to them what would happen when a human king becomes a ruler. But God told him to listen to the people. “For it is not you they have rejected; they have rejected me from ruling over them.” (1Sam.8:7) It is the end of theocracy and from now on begins the democracy in the life of people. The responsorial Psalm acclaims, “I will sing forever of your love, O Lord.” (Ps.88:2). In the Gospel, Jesus demonstrates His authority by forgiving sins. Modern people hesitate to believe that there is a connection to sin and sickness. Forgiveness of sins belong to God and God’s church. Through is miracles, Jesus proved to them and taught them that in order to be totally well, one needs the forgiveness of God. Jesus can give such forgiveness to us. Let us return to the seat of mercy for our forgiveness and healing during this Jubilee of mercy. May God bless you. Have a good day.

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