It is 17th January 2016. The readings are from Isaiah 62:1-5; and the second reading from 1Corinthians 12:4-11; and the Gospel from John 2:1-11. The first reading expresses God’s interests on God’s people. The distance between God and people narrowed by the initiatives God took towards God’s people. God offers a new relationship, a new status, and a nationhood. God honours Israel with the new name: my beloved, and my espoused one. The responsorial Psalm sings, “Proclaim his marvelous deeds to all the nations.” (Ps.96:3). In the second reading we are reminded that all the spiritual gifts are bestowed on us by the Holy Spirit to make them available for the common good. No competitions among the beneficiaries rather complementing each other is expected of us. St. Paul presents nine gifts for the building up the kingdom of God here on earth. We have the marriage celebration in the Gospel. The maiden miracle of Jesus at the request of His beloved mother Mary. God never leaves us in times of need. Jesus will never allow us to be embarrassed before other people and in an unexpected human crisis. Mother Mary knowing the divine power of Jesus, invited Him to act and begin the mission from this event. Mother Mary’s intervention is remarkable in saving us all. “Do whatever Jesus tells you.” (Jn.2:5). In order to experience the mercy of God during this Jubilee of mercy, we need to have a partnership with Jesus and Mary. Let us invite Jesus and Mary into our lives, homes and lands. May God bless you and have a pleasant day.

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