It is 20th January 2016. We celebrate the memorial of Sts. Fabian and Sebastian, martyrs. The readings are from 1Samuel 17:32-33, 37, 40-51; and the Gospel from Mark 3:1-6. The first reading brings out the inevitable question of our own personal life? Who is the Goliath in my life, I need to fight? Saul was fighting against Philistines for a long period yet he could not succeed. God uses a shepherd boy with no experience and knowledge of war against the giant. God struck the enemy with the already known experience of David namely the sling and the stone. God only needs our cooperation and partnership with God in fighting the giant within and around us. David knew for sure that God was on his side. “I come against you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel that you have dared to insult.” (1 Sam.17:45). To succeed something that is too big for us, we need to face it head on with the help of God. Fear flees when God takes hold of our being. The outcome belongs to God yet we must take on the impossible with courage that comes from our faith in God. The responsorial psalm praises, “Blessed be the Lord, my rock.” (Ps.143:1). In the Gospel, Jesus heals a person on Sabbath and reveals His courage against those who wanted to find fault with. When God is on our side, we do not need to fear anyone or anything. Lord give us the courage to head on the giant with the confidence that You are on our side. May God bless you.

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