It is 21st January 2016. We celebrate the memorial of St. Agnes, the virgin and Martyr. The readings are from 1 Sam18:6-9; 19:1-7 and the Gospel from Mk.3:7-12. The first reading brings out the grim reality of human interaction between Saul and David. When the people praised David and sang for him, Saul’s heart was set on fire with jealousy. Letting go of the past glory, power, money and influence is indeed a challenge for many. That is what exactly happened to Saul. Some of us are so addicted to praise and fame; to continue to bask in glory, we go to a level of ruining the existence of the other. Insecurity grips in when we are underpraised. Eventually it leads to jealousy, hatred and elimination of the other who is praised. Very few of us have a friend like Jonathan, who is open, noble, loyal, affectionate and able to point out the mistake to us and to the opponent. Some of the friends betray us and add fire to the existing jealousy. God is our permanent friend in all spheres of lives. Let us be careful with the praise and consequent jealousy. The responsorial Psalm praises, “In God I trust, I shall not fear.” (Ps.55:5). The Gospel encourages us to trust Jesus at all times. Our faith must grow in knowing and loving Jesus. God does not require the witnesses of the demons but God expects us to be grateful in praising God every moment of our lives whether we are healed by God. Let us not be tired and forgetful in praising God. May you have a peaceful day.

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