It is 22nd January 2016. We celebrate the memorial of St. Vincent, the Deacon and the Martyr. The readings are from1Samuel 24:3-21; and the Gospel from Mark 3:13-19. The first reading teaches us to respect our leaders no matter how horribly wrong they may be. We may not understand why so and so is in the helm of the affairs at the present moment. But it is always the plan and will of God that they are still leading people. Every authority belongs to God and therefore it is God who places our leaders. Without knowing this crucial fact, some leaders abuse the power and position and eventually they pay for it. We must never come to power and position by evil means. David had all the options to get rid of Saul and to grab the position. Yet he did not do it. We must always do the right thing at all cost; we must not do what we like and what benefit for us only. Taking revenge is purely evil and originates from the Satan. Our kindness and respect for the other must prevail at all times. The responsorial Psalm prays, “Have mercy on me, God, have mercy.” (Ps.56:2). The Gospel presents the call of Apostles. Jesus truly needed more close associates. As God chose the 12 leaders of Israel and entered into the covenant at Sinai, so Jesus begins a new covenant of love and mercy with God’s people by choosing the Twelve men as the foundation of the church. The apostles are commissioned to go every nook and corner of the world. We need the intimacy with Jesus, the knowledge and courage to preach the Gospel and the conviction to live what we preach are required of us to continue the mission of Jesus today. May God bless you.

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