It is 27th January 2016. The readings are from 2 Samuel 7:4-17; and the Gospel from Mark 4:1-20. The first reading details the plan of God to David in building the house of God. God wants David’s son to build a house for God. God had a different plan for David to unify, lead and to destroy the enemies of Israel. Since David who expressed his desire to build the house of God and God wished to build David’s house. God has a plan and purpose for each one of us. We must be humble enough to cooperate with the immediate and important plan of God in our lives. God directs our lives with the great purpose. When our ‘yes’ meets with God’s ‘no,’ we are truly tested in our faith. David accepts God’s plan as a blessing and submits to God completely. “Who am I, O Lord God, and what is my house that you have brought me thus far?” (2 Sam.7:18). If we accept God’s ‘no’ humbly, God blesses us all the more. God’s love for us never diminish a bit even when he has a ‘no’ for our requests. At the end, when we look back, we know that God has the best plan for us. The responsorial Psalm praises, “I will keep my love for him always.” (Ps. 88:29). The Gospel presents the parable of the sower and teaches us that our willingness to accept the Word of God is the paramount growth in our lives. What type of the soil we have become by time and how flexible and willing to receive God’s message? Have we become rigid and resist to oppose God’s plan for us? May God bless your soil in order to be docile to the plan of God.

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