It is 2nd March 2016. The readings are from Deuteronomy 4:1, 5-9; and the Gospel from Matthew 5:17-19. The first reading expresses the desire of God for humanity is to obey God’s laws. The law of God is built on love and it comes from the heart of God to us. It is the roadmap to heaven. It is the desire of God for us to obey God by adhering the laws given by God. The Ten Commandments, the heart and crust of the God’s laws, are the guiding map for our soul to reach God. It is indeed a new spiritual life style with God. When we have love for God, we will not have any difficulty in observing them. When we face difficulty in loving God, the commandments become burdensome and unnecessary. The law of the Lord grants wisdom and understanding to our spiritual living. It points out our sins and guides our steps in godly living and finally leading us to Jesus. It secures our soul from guilt and shame which is the outcome of disobedience. The responsorial Psalm praises, “O praise the Lord, Jerusalem.” (Ps.147:12). The Gospel reminds us to be faithful in obeying God’s laws. Jesus encourages us to obey the law by giving us a new outlook on understanding God’s laws. Every law has its purpose. Whether it is the ceremonial, the civil or the moral laws, they all have their original purposes. Jesus invites us to follow the law before we wish to teach them to the others. The explanations, and interpretations of the laws just not enough rather our personal living of God’s law matters in adhering it. The law of God will not disappear until the purpose for which it is given to us. May God help us to obey the commandments of God rather than sticking it in our memories and teaching them repeatedly. May you have a day full of blessings.

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