It is 15th March 2016. The readings are from Numbers 21:4-9; and the Gospel from John 8:21-30. The first reading points out that the grumblings and complaints against God in the life of Israel brought this pain and suffering amidst people. But the salvation and relief from this suffering came because of their contrite heart. The prayers and petitions of Moses along with the sorrow for sins from the people brought relief them. It was not some superstition of looking at a metal serpent rather through contrition of heart. “Whoever turned to it was saved, not by what he looked at, but by you the universal Saviour.” (Wis.16:7). Idol worshipping brings curse and suffering in the life of a believer. People worshiped this metallic serpent in the temple of Solomon was smashed by a faithful king Hezekiah. The responsorial Psalm prays, “O Lord, listen to my prayer and let my cry for help reach you.” (Ps.101:2). The Gospel reminds us that lifting up Jesus in our lives brings the desired salvation in our lives. “When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am He.” (Jn.8:28). Our sins bring down Jesus innumerable times. Our wilful rejection of the values of Gospel brings down Jesus in our lives. Whenever we have gone after the values and the attractions of this world we refuse to lift up Jesus in our lives. Where are we looking during this year of Mercy? Looking up to a merciful Saviour or merry making world? Knowing Jesus and believing Him sets us free from all the addictions towards our casual, routine and self-destructive behaviours, and sins. Mercy of God through Jesus Christ enters into our lives only through our contrition of heart and openness to the eternal life in Jesus. May you have a good day.

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