It is 16th March 2016. The readings are from Daniel 3:14-20, 24-25, 28; and the Gospel John 8:31-42. The two readings of the day offers a deep insight that truth leads us to freedom. We need to free ourselves from speech, belief, fear and want which enslave us to a type of idol worship. Three young men refused to abandon God. In every trial we face, we can stand for God who will make sure that we a heavenly companion who will help us to go through. Our faith in God sometimes tested in fire. It is our truthfulness to God makes us standing the heat of lies and deception. Truth purifies us and cleanse us. The responsorial Psalm praises, “Glory and praise for ever” (Dn.3:52). The Gospel assures that we can only be set free by knowing and believing Jesus as the truth. (Jn.8:36). The words of Jesus are the truth that set us free. Our sins against the merciful God, and idol worship of our ego, and pride enslave us. Yes, our sins make us slaves to the very sins we commit; sins dominate us and dictate our actions. Jesus can break the power and control of sin in our lives when we allow the Word of God to permeate our hearts and lives. “So, if Jesus sets you free, you will be free indeed.” (Jn. 8:36). It is who we belong to and what we perform in His name offers the title of being a child of God. When we sin we lose the privilege of being the child of God. Reinstating us permanently in the home of the merciful Father is possible through Jesus our Saviour. May God grant you peace. Have a good day.

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