It is 17th March 2016. We celebrate the memorial of St. Patrick, the Bishop. The readings are from Genesis 17:3-9 and the Gospel from John 8:51-59. The first reading brings out how God extended God’s covenant not only to Abraham and with all generations after him. God remembers the covenant and demands the faithfulness from us. God wants us to obey and honour God’s covenant in our lives. The covenant is not a mere promise, an agreement, a contract, a pledge, an arrangement but rather it is God’s intimate bonding with human family. It is indeed a new relationship with God. We promise to God our consistent fidelity to keep the commandments. All our blessings depend on this fidelity to God. The responsorial Psalm acclaims, “The Lord remembers his covenant for ever.” (Ps.104:8). In the Gospel, Jesus restates His identity as a messiah as well as God. Obedience to God’s words bring eternal life. There is no spiritual death for someone who listens to the Words of Jesus and follows them. The most powerful claims of Jesus is that He existed before Abraham to proclaim undeniably that Jesus is God. “Before Abraham was born, I am.” (Jn.8:58). Jesus reveals himself as God by identifying his name with God’s holy name “I am.” (Ex.3:14). It is our right relationship with Jesus brings life in us. We must try our level best to relate with Jesus in every opportunity we get. Faithfulness to God comes through our faith in Jesus and His words. Are we serious about our faith commitments to God and God’s church? How sincere are we to honour the covenantal relationship with God? May the Lord grant us course to relate with God through our merciful acts to our neighbour.

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