It is 19th March 2016. We celebrate the Solemnity of St Joseph, Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary. St. Joseph is the Patron and Protector of the universal Church proclaimed by blessed Pope Pius IX. The readings are from 2 Samuel 7:4-5, 12-14, 16; Romans 4:13, 16-18, 22; and the Gospel from Matthew 1:16, 18-21, 24. St. Joseph is the patron saint of husbands, unborn children, fathers, workers, travellers, immigrants, accountants, attorneys, barristers, bursars, cabinetmakers, carpenters, cemetery workers, children, civil engineers, confectioners, craftsmen, the dying – doubtful – hesitant, educators, exiles, families, furniture makers, house hunters, sellers, marriages, orphans, social justice and a happy death. On his feast day, we have a lot to learn from St. Joseph. He was just, pure, gentle, prudent and unfailingly obedient to the divine will. There is no word is recorded in the entire Bible spoken by him. Yet, he silently and profoundly helped the second Person of Holy Trinity to grow in his custody and guidance. He obeyed God until the last. “When Joseph awoke, he did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him….” (Luke 1:24). The responsorial Psalm sings, “The son of David will live for ever.” (Ps.89:37). He gladly and humbly accepted the Will of God by receiving Jesus as his child. He was a faithful husband to Mary, ever Virgin. God trusted him with His only Son and the Mother of God. God put him as the head of the family of God. The faith of St. Joseph added a strong sense of security with his hard work. St. Joseph had a very unique contribution in the life and forming of Jesus. Fidelity to God’s words and humility in accepting to face any situations God puts us in is that we need to imbibe from St. Joseph. Some of us still struggle controlling our tongues. We talk too much while we do very little in actions. Discernment comes through deep silence. The silence of St. Joseph cannot be ignored in forming godly man Jesus. We find it hard to accept the will of God when we cannot find human reasons to be justified. May St. Joseph intercede for us all to do the will of God in our lives.

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