It is 26th March 2016. It is a day of personal reflections and meditation on the eternal sacrifice at the tomb of Jesus and looking forward with the great hope meeting the risen Christ. In the evening, we experience the climax of the three days of celebrations with the Easter vigil. The service of Light dispels the darkness by lighting the Paschal candle representing the presence of Jesus, the risen Lord. We glorify God by the Easter Proclamation. We have the Liturgy of the Word which begins with our glory of creation to the restoration of life through the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus. We read Genesis 1:1-2:2, Genesis 22:1-18, Exodus 14:15-15:1, Isaiah 54:5-14, Isaiah 55:1-11, Baruch 3:9-15,32-4:4, Ezekiel 36:16-17,18-28, and from the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans 6:3-11, and the Gospel from Luke 24:1-12. On this Great Saturday, the Angelic Night, the Vigil of Easter, we are proudly remembering the victory of Jesus over death and sin. We renew our baptismal promises to God and God’s church publically holding the Easter candle symbolizing the Christ, the risen Lord. The Catechism teaches us in No. 628, “We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.” In the first, we are assured that God created us in God’s image and likeness and making us the crown of all creation. God has given us free will and to enjoy the eternal life. In the second reading, we witness the untiring love of God. God did not give up on us. In the third reading, God saves us from the slavery and bringing us to the promise land. The four readings from the prophets Isaiah, Baruch and Ezekiel teaches us that the consequences of disobedience. The Epistle calls us to die for sin and begin to live in the light of Christ. The Gospel describes the glorious resurrection of Jesus. Jesus is risen. Alleluia. May the Lord enlighten our hearts and minds to accept Him as our Saviour. May I wish you all a happy Easter. May the risen Lord Jesus fill our lives with His life and light.

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