It is 05th April 2016. The readings are from Acts 4:32-37; and the Gospel from John 3:7-15. The first reading brings out the lifestyle of the believers centred on Christ. When Christ becomes the focus and foundation of our lives, there is no shortage of anything. Contentment, happiness, sharing, taking the other person in consideration and living in unity of heart and soul grow when the Risen Lord is the link person of the believers. Our boldness to proclaim the Truth, the Risen Lord comes through charity. The Christianity is all about sharing, bearing, caring and never to engage in tearing. “The whole group of believers was united, heart and soul; no one claimed for his/her own use anything that he/she had, as everything they owned was held in common.” (Act.4:32). The responsorial psalm acclaims, “The Lord is king, with majesty enrobed.” (Ps.91:1). The Gospel invites us to be born again in the spirit. Receiving the Holy Spirit and experiencing the Spirit of God is indeed a rebirth. New life comes and renewed by the Spirit day in and day out. It is the Spirit of God who offers the privilege to experience being the child of God through the waters of baptism. Unless and until we put our entire trust in Jesus, the risen Lord, we cannot enjoy the blessings of the salvation. May God help us to make Jesus as our everything. May you have a good day.

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