It is 06th April 2016. The readings are from Acts 5:17-26; and the Gospel from John 3:16-21. The first reading narrates the second time imprisonment of the Apostles and the Angel of the Lord helped them to be set free. It is the courage of St. Peter to witness in front of the Jewish Supreme Court on the account of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Whatever the prison we are in our lives, God sends God’s angels to set us free in so far as we are willing to become the living witnesses to the Risen Lord. The responsorial Psalm invokes God, “This poor man called and the Lord heard him.” (Ps.33:7). The Gospel presents the most compassionate side of God by giving us Jesus. To know and to experience God is love, we need to believe in Jesus. For Nicodemus, to know God is love indeed very shocking and to encounter the Son of God is unbelievable. He could not understand the demonstration of the unfathomable love of God revealed through God’s only Son Jesus Christ. To believe in Christ is to believe in the light and to dispel the darkness. It is not merely the intellectual agreement rather a complete trust in Jesus. “But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God.” (Jn.3:21). In our lives, let us stand up for light and truth and to have a counter witness to the culture of death and demolition. Let us promote hope and life so that we are becoming partners with God of light and love. May you have a good day.

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