It is 07th April 2016. We celebrate the Memorial of St John Baptist de la Salle, the priest. The readings are from Acts 5:27-33; and the Gospel from John 3:31-36. The first reading teaches us that it is better to obey God more than men and women. No institution, the political establishment, the military might can ever stand on God’s ways. St. Peter boldly proclaims Jesus as the leader and Saviour. Boldness comes through regular prayer and by the witnesses we give for the Risen Lord. When we recognize the unwavering presence of the Holy Spirit, we truly become bold to stand up for the Risen Jesus. It is the Holy Spirit who moves us to obey God and to bear witness to the Risen Lord. And therefore we need to establish a consistent and deep connection with the Holy Spirit on a daily basis. “We are witnesses to all this, we and the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey him.” (Acts 5:33). As the Apostles prioritized the Risen Lord, let us give the utmost importance to the Risen Jesus by living the Corporal and Spiritual acts of mercy. The responsorial Psalm prays, “The Lord hears the cry of the poor.” (Ps.33:7). The Gospel invites us to obey God through Jesus so as to experience the eternal life. Our relationship with Jesus and the belief we hold makes it all possible. Jesus is not merely a teacher and a prophet rather He is the only Son of God. Whenever we believe Jesus, we are truly attempting to express our faith in God. The eternal life is nothing but knowing Christ and obeying Him. “Anyone who believes in the Son has eternal life, but anyone who refuses to believe in the Son will never see life: the anger of God stays on the person.” (Jn.3:36). May the Lord grant us the grace to prioritize Jesus and His Gospel values in our lives. May you have a good day.

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