It is 13th April 2016. The readings are from Acts 8:1-8; and the Gospel from John 6:35-40. The first reading continues to show the persecution that the church had to go through. The persecution made the Christians to flee outside Jerusalem and making them falling as the seeds into Galilee, Samaria and Judea. When we go through a difficult time, we must accept the plan of God for us because God wants us to start something new in us. The moving on is the important factor for human existence and growth. Healing brings joy that belongs to the Holy Spirit. As the early church moved on to new places, cultures and people’s lives in order to bring the best of its healing. Healing is possible for all those who are willing to move on to the next level of growth and development. Whether we like it or not we all face pain, suffering and sickness in our lives caused by evil spirits and people. We must believe that God is in control of our lives and God can alleviate all our pains, give meaning to our sufferings and heal our sicknesses bruised by our human frailty. Let us not forget God in all our sufferings and sicknesses. God can do more than we can ever ask for. The responsorial Psalm prays, “Cry out with joy to God all the earth.” (Ps.65:1). The Gospel invites us to put our trust in the Risen Lord who promises us to grant eternal life and not willing to lose us to anyone. Jesus reassures us that He will never allow us to be abandoned to sin and sickness and to be overcome by Satan. Our permanent security is in Jesus. What we require is that we must do the will of the Lord as our Lord unites with His Father by doing God’s will. Let us invite Jesus into our lives and plead for mercy. Jesus will not lose us in any situation because of His love for us. Just because of our lack of commitment and love for Jesus, let us not lose Him. May God bless you and have a good day.

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