It is 18th April 2016. The readings are from Acts 11:1-18; and the Gospel from John 10:1-10. The first reading brings out the criticism on St. Peter for having been associating with uncircumcised people. Some people believe that only a few people are so close to the heart of God. To them, St. Peter testifies that God’s love is free for all. God needs a human heart not human ideology to love. Prejudice kills the vision of God on love. The vision of God is God’s love is free, unmerited and for everyone. In today’s reading, God extends God’s special favour to the non-Jews. The mission to the non-Jews gloriously inaugurated by St. Peter and that is why we are believers today. The vision of Peter is the mission of the entire church. “Who was I to stand in God’s way?” (Acts.11:17). Life through repentance is for all people. The responsorial Psalm prays, “My soul is thirsting for God, the God of my life.” (Ps.41:3). The Gospel reiterates the theme of Good Shepherd. Jesus is our Good Shepherd, who is the gate of our lives. He leads us and allow us to enter eternal life through Him. Jesus is the life within ourselves. “I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full.” (Jn.10:10). Love of Jesus is for all because He knows his flock, guides them, defends them and makes an enormous sacrifice for them in every moment of their lives. We too are invited to care for others, guide others and guard others from the evil ones. May the Lord Jesus continue to bless us all. Have a good day.

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