It is 13th May 2016. We celebrate the memorial of Our Lady of Fatima. Our Beloved Mother Mary appeared to three little children namely Francisco, Jacinta and Lucia in six apparitions to recite the compendium of the Gospel which is the Rosary for the war-torn world to live in the peace of Christ. She herself said, “I am the Lady of the Holy Rosary. I have come to ask all humankind to do penance and to ask pardon for its sins. Do not add pain through the impurity of heart and body to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. The readings are from Acts 25:13-21; and the Gospel from John 21:15-19. The first reading describes the providence of God in the trials of St. Paul. The responsorial Psalm sings, “The Lord has set his sway in heaven.” (Ps.102:19). In the Gospel, we meet Jesus who confers the Office of the Shepherd to St. Peter. Jesus demands his unwavering love for Jesus through three affirmation. Jesus wanted Peter to love Him more than all these. The same question Jesus is asking us too: “Do you love me?” (Jn.14:17). What will be our answer to Jesus? Our love for Jesus must not only in our heart and it needs to be seen in our actions. May the Lord bless you to have a peaceful day.