It is 23rd August 2016. We celebrate the memorial of St. Rose of Lima. The readings are from 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3, 14-17; and the Gospel from Matthew 23:23-26. The first reading warns us not to be excited too much or to panic scrupulously over the second coming of our Lord Jesus. His coming cannot be stopped and it will happen in God’s time. We must be careful not to go behind the false teachers, prophets and those who claim to know the secret timing of the Lord’s judgement. Whether we like it or believe it, we will be judged by Jesus one day for all that we do or say now. Let us not stop doing good for Christ and humanity. “Never let anyone deceive you in this way. Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself comfort your hearts and strengthen you in every good work and word” (2 Thes.2: 3, and 17). The Responsorial Psalm praises, “The Lord comes to rule the earth.” (Ps.95:13). The Gospel reprimands those who abuse the religion for their selfish and carnal motives. We are so severely cautioned by the Lord that we must not twist and manipulate the religion for monetary gains or for legalistic thinking. The purpose and the spirit of the law is to worship God, and to express our faith in loving all people. It is nothing to do with our outward piety and pretentions before people rather it is the genuine disposition of the intentions of the heart towards God and fellow human beings. “Clean the inside of cup and dish first so that the outside may become clean as well.” (Mt.23:26). Mercy coupled with encoded charity with justice and faith in Jesus must be our priority. May the Lord help us not to neglect the inside. Have a good day.