It is 22nd January 2017. We celebrate the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. The readings are from Isaiah 8:23-9:3; the second reading is from 1Corinthians 1:10-13, 17; and the gospel from Matthew 4:12-23. The first reading sheds the light of God that surrounds abundant joy and happiness for those who lived in darkness. God promised the people of Israel that God would smash the burden and the laden from their lives. The yoke, the bar and rod of the enemy will be removed and God alone restores the dignity and offers freedom. It is the prophecy of hope and directed towards Christ. Christ is the light of the world. (Jn.8:12). Our gloom and despair, let us surrender to the depression and anxiety rather look up toward ‘the great light’ Christ in whom there is certainty that everything is going to be all right. Darkness of some sort would fall upon us sometime in our lives too. God alone could promise the light that shines even amidst darkness and odds of our lives. Let us listen to the voice of the Saviour and to follow the light. Let our prayers be focused towards the ever glowing light, Jesus Christ. Let us align our lives with that of Christ and collaborate in every effort geared to make that light shine in us and around us. The responsorial Psalm praises, “The Lord is my light and my salvation.” (Ps.27:1). In the second reading, St. Paul pinpoints that we belong to God’s family by the unseen and the finest fabric of unity through the power of the Holy Spirit. Bonding of the Spirit of God with the members of the family happens in the unbiased and unconditional unity. We all need to be aware of the darkness of divisive elements in our family of God, the Church. We all need to work towards the diversity in unity. Because Jesus Christ is Lord for all people. We must be on guard not to silence the Spirit of God by the unnecessary arguments and disharmony. Let us respect and promote Christ in all our conducts not any individual whom we admire for one reason or another. Our petty quarrels should never destroy the unity of the body of Christ, the Church. Our intellectual pride of certain preacher, teacher or author over other person need to be personal not to be imposed on the community. Our allegiance is only for Christ not to any individuals. Let us pray for the unity of the Church. The Gospel upholds that Christ is the light for all people who removes every darkness. We begin the cycle of readings from St. Matthew’s Gospel. Jesus calls us to work for the unity and the radical personal conversion before we wish to convert the other person. We need to leave those nets, the entangled ones, we are still holding in our lives and willing to embrace Christ for the better way of living spiritual life. Unless and until Jesus shines as the light of our gatherings and encounters, our purpose is divisive, secretive and satanic. We all need to repent to enjoy the light of Christ. May we all the Light of Christ to shine in us and around us through charity, love and faith in Jesus. Have a good day.