It is 8th May 2017. The readings are from Acts 11:1-18; and the Gospel from John 10:11-18. In the first reading, we see a growing church which accommodates everyone. Everyone has place in the Heart of God and the message of love and mercy for all people even those who are so called not spiritually chosen by God. A true believer in Christ must not have prejudices and biases in showing love and mercy. Every Christian need to have this openness in embracing every person even if they have difficulty in accept our church and the views of the church. As God loves every person, so do the believer in Christ. The vision of Peter brings out the inclusiveness of non-believers to be accepted in love that leads to life. “What God has made clean, you have no right to call profane. God can evidently grant even the Gentiles the repentance that leads to life.” In God’s plan of salvation, there is no one is left out. God is magnanimous in including everyone in the salvific plan. (Acts.11:9,18). The responsorial Psalm prays, “My soul is thirsting for God, the God of my life.” (Ps.41:3). The Gospel brings out the qualities required of a good shepherd. Jesus tells us that the Good Shepherd is the one who accompanies the sheep no matter what is the condition be, has a concern for the entire flock and particularly the stray and lapsed ones. A good Shepherd fill the flock with knowledge founded in prayer and love. A true shepherd guides, defense, make sacrifice and even to put one’s precious life in front of the flock protecting them from the scavengers and thieves. May we train our hearts and lives to listen the peculiar voice of the good and true Shepherd Jesus Christ and to be cautious about the voices of the thieves and looters. May you have a good day.