It is 23rd March 2018. We celebrate the memorial of St. Turibius of Mogrovejo, Bishop. The readings are from Jeremiah 20:10-13; and the Gospel from John 10:31-42. When we are bitter about the way we have been treated, abused and taken for a ride under the banner of love, where do we keep our God at that particular point of lives? Do we still believe and place our trust in God when our intimate friends and all whom we are associated with look down upon us as a disgrace, a failure, and fallen one? It is indeed a challenge for all of us to acknowledge and to surrender the unfailing presence of God during such times of our lives. In the first reading, we read the confessions of prophet Jeremiah who expressed his bitterness for speaking for God. Prophet Jeremiah places two complaints; one against God and another against his enemies. It is the lament psalm that conveys the curse and bitterness of the prophet against those who abused him. In despair, self-doubt, tension and agony, the prophet accuses God who cannot be trusted. Yet, looking at the enemies of the God’s Word, he placed all his trust in God and put the entire confidence in God’s timely intervention and protection. People were quick to blame, ridicule, reject, and did not listen to what he preached. The pain of rejection and belittling affects us so deep even though God is so close to us. There are some people we encounter in our lives who refuse to accept anything we say and every time they would bitterly fight against us word for word and reject whatever is shared. When in sorrow and persecution, it is good to unburden our hearts to God. It is good to take the sediments of pain from our chest out and offer it to God. Without counting the results and the impact, we need to share the goodness of God day in and day out. We need to strengthen ourselves always like the prophet: “But the Lord is at my side, a mighty hero; therefore, my persecutors will stumble, and they will not prevail.” (Jer.20:12). The responsorial Psalm offers confidence in God: “In my anguish I called to the Lord and he heard my voice.” (Ps.17:7). In the Gospel Jesus points out the hardness of heart and the selective acceptance of the leaders in accepting Jesus as the Son of God. They were quick to pass judgement on Jesus than to appreciate and recognise His divine presence in His human form. They were willing to accept their leaders as gods because they were chosen by God and considered them as the agents of God. By not accepting and acknowledging Jesus as the Son of God, we remain like the leaders of the past so stubborn and rigid. We cannot reduce the power of Jesus by refusing to accept Him as the Son of God. Our blessings and protection come by the due acknowledgement of Jesus in our lives as the Son of God. May we not too quick to judge God rather let us examine our response to such loving God. May you have a good day.