It is 12th July 2018. The readings are from Hosea 11:1-4, 8-9; and the Gospel from Matthew 10:7-15. God assures and affirms God’s love repeatedly in every turn of our lives. God never left us even in the most painful, sinful and odd situations of life. God punishes us, reprimands us, warns us never wanted to destroy us. In the first reading, the prophet Hosea enlists the caring moments of God in the life of Israel. The prophet compares God’s love with that of a caring father towards his ungrateful, and selfish son. We will never ever fathom the depth of God’s love and why God loves us so much. God calls us to participate in this mysterious, mesmerising, magnetic, magnanimous, and ever satisfying love. God calls us, teaches us, takes care of us, leads us, embraces us, with the strings love and mercy. God is not angry on us at all even though we repeatedly dumped God for no reason. God is not going to leave our hands and hearts even if we throw God out of our lives. God is not tired of loving us, forgiving us and blessing us. The infinitely enormous is God’s love and mercy. However, mean we can be with God, yet God does not reduce the pattern of loving us. “I will not destroy Ephraim again, for I am God, not man: I am the Holy One in your midst and have no wish to destroy.” (Hos.11:9). The responsorial Psalm prays, “Let your face shine on us, O Lord, and we shall be saved.” (Ps.79:4). The Gospel presents us with the missionary discourse. It is God’s intention that we should pass on this unfailing love of God that we experienced in God’s only Beloved Son Jesus in our service through promoting peace, charity and mercy. It is time to empty the unwanted and the acquired greedily. It is time to dispatch a letter of hope and love not to spread the flames of anger on others. It is the time to visit the sick, the needy, the poor, and the marginalised in the society than to engage ourselves in building mansions of control, influence and subjugation. We are invited to move on in our lives no matter who wishes to accompany to untie the knots of vengeance, anger, and abuse. It is indeed the opportune time for us to move away from the evil and move in towards the ever-loving and caring God. We are sent by the Lord to share the Good News that God still loves the humanity no matter what it takes for God. The missionary discourse offers us the privilege to meet the unpopular, the sinful, the forgotten, the poor, the ostracised and those who are so tactfully pushed to the brim of the society to be trodden by the bold, the rich, the beautiful and the greedy. Let us share and strengthen the people by appreciating them not venturing into gossiping and destroying the goodness in people. We all have experienced the love of God one point of life, so let us share it with someone. As God still love us the ungrateful, the sinners as we are, let us make efforts to loving those around us however sinful, ungrateful and rebellious they could be. May you have a good day. God bless you.