It is 8th January 2019. The readings are from 1 John 4:7-10; and the Gospel from Mark 6:34-44. Love of God completes itself in the miracle of charity. It is not what we have in our hands that brings about the miracle of love in charity rather what we have in our hearts and in our beings. God right from the beginning remains as love. God is not tired of loving us however the shortfall we have in loving. God proved God’s unmatchable and unparallel love by sending God’s only Son Christ Jesus to redeem us. “In this is love, not that we loved God but that God loved us and sent God’s Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins.” (1 Jn.4:10) We are all expected to love God and eventually one another all through our lives. Our love for God must culminate in the charity. Love without charity, truth without justice, peace without development and talks without actions are self-contradictory and unproductive in its entirety. In the first reading, we are all reminded that God is love. God is the origin and source of human love. No human being can and become a donor and benefactor of love to another unless one has the resource of love from God. However super a human person in loving the other, there is a shortage and vacuum of loving. God’s love is far beyond our love and it is the life spring that gushes from God never run dry. God created us to express our love towards the other expecting nothing. Except Jesus, no one ever dared to love God like Him. Yet our affectionate, passionate, caring, creative, providing, friendly love are the channels of love among us that sustains the humanity all along. It is the love that offers the courage to forgive. Unforgiving and arrogant people ruled by their lust and passions not having tint of love in their heart. Such people drain the others with their tantrums of their exaggerations and lies of the past failures in other and destroying peace in families and celebrating their grandiosity by inflicting pain in others. The responsorial Psalm praises, “All nations shall fall prostrate before you, O Lord.” (Ps.71:11). The Gospel presents us with the multiplication and magnificence of love by the miracle of charity by the initiatives shown in the compassion and complementing love of Jesus. God’s love expects us to be charitable and loving and caring and sharing with what we have. To be generous, one needs to be rooted in God. Generosity of heart is nearly impossible for the one who does not believe in the power of love. Jesus tried to convince His disciples to be generous and willing to participate in the struggles of the others through this miracle of charity. It is not enough we pray for the poor and the needy in the Church, but what have we done concretely to alleviate the sufferings in them that pleases God and makes God proud of infusing God’s love in our hearts. Whenever we have become stingy, calculative and greedy, overindulgent, and mean toward those who suffer, we distant ourselves from the source of love and strangling and suffocating the roots of love in us. May the Lord kindly enlarge our perceptions and beliefs of love and offering hope to all people around that God still cares for them through us. May you have a good day.