It is 14th November 2019. The readings are from Wisdom 7:22-8:1; and the Gospel from Luke 17:20-25. The first reading narrates 21 qualities of wisdom that are attributed to God in perfection. Jesus is the Wisdom of the Father. Without this Wisdom, we cannot have the knowledge of God. God loves us so much as long as we accommodate wisdom in our lives. “In every generation she passes into holy souls and makes them friends of God, and prophets; for God loves nothing so much as the person who lives with wisdom.” (Wis. 7:27,28). Wisdom is the spiritual energy that remains, renews, and regenerates with the ones who believe in the Wisdom of the Father. Healthy people are those who are integrated persons. Honesty and unbiased relationship with one another are the proof of wisdom in our beings. It is the wisdom that provides patience over human reasoning to hold on to someone or something that is incomprehensible. The responsorial Psalm praises, “Your word, O Lord, stands for ever.” (Ps. 118:89). The Gospel prepares us to be alert and ready at all times to realise the reign of God within us. We need to experience the presence of God in us, others and nature. Let us not debate with someone wasting time looking for better words, better explanation, signs and clues rather to cherish the presence of Christ in His Eternal Word that sustains our souls and nourishes our beings. The kingdom of God is the presence of God not a geographical space. The progress and growth of the kingdom of God are seen in relation to our disposition of recognising what God is doing in the lives of God’s people. We must not believe every preacher who claims to know everything under the Sun with the light of Scripture alone. The Church is our mother who teaches us and leads us to truth in fullness with the power of the Word of God, the Tradition handed over to the Church by the Apostles and the teachings of the Fathers of the Church and the Teaching authority of the Church. When people are least prepared and living their lives so indifferently to the expectations of God, they will be surprised by the appearance of Christ as judge. Let us not go after every noise we hear rather let us attune ourselves to the Master’s voice within and around. God is so powerfully present even amidst the roaring of the evil one. God works with us as we tirelessly bring the goodness of God in every situation. Things may not have gone the way we want but surely it has gone the way God wants. With the power and the presence of wisdom in us, let us recognise the footprints of God in our lives and the events of the world. May you have a good day. May God bless you.