It is 29th January 2020. The readings are from 2 Samuel 7:4-17 and the Gospel from Mark 4:1-20. We all want to please God by doing something materially tangible for God while God is interested in building our lives and families. We all have the desire and goodwill to do good for the Church and for the community. Yet, God looks for goodness and generosity with purity of life. God rejects all that is contaminated, corrupted, and concealed. But if we cooperate with the plan and will of God, God has a better plan for our life and family. The first reading teaches us that we must not be upset and tired of doing good when God seems to be silent and reserved in our life. God promises God’s consistent support to the house of David. “Your house and your sovereignty will always stand secure before me and your throne be established for ever.” (2 Sam.7:17). God wishes to give us the best and that lasts. God wanted to bring His only beloved Son born of the house of David. God does not want to be confined to a place rather God wants to be accessible to everyone. God is not interested in the material buildings that is built for the glory and fame of man. But God desires to be the temple among God’s people in which we have the freedom and privilege to worship Him spirit and truth. When we are planning to build a home for God, God has designed to build a kingdom for us. The responsorial Psalm praises, “I will keep my love for him always.” (Ps. 88:29). The Gospel presents us with the parable of the sower. The hidden potentialities are brought forth in an environment that is conducive and productive for growth. Our cooperation with God is sure to bring the desired progress. We must never be demoralised, dejected and dissipated rather we need to be receptive and open for spreading our wings to fly high in any conditions. None of is the perfect soil indeed. We are the combination of all rocky ground, thorns and path. The Word of God can have deep roots where there are streams of love, mercy, compassion, and forgiveness flow from our hearts. Let us cooperative with the grace of God always. God wishes to enter in our lives and to make us fruitful person. “And these are the ones sown on the good soil: they hear the word and accept it and bear fruit, thirty and sixty and a hundredfold.” (Mk.4:20) It is time to give God the best. What and who is stopping us to give God the best? May God bless you to collaborate with God no matter what is the condition and status of life we are in.