It is 16th July 2020.

We celebrate the memorial of Our Lady of Carmel.

Life is not tired of us.  Life generously infuses hope and courage when we feel like giving up.

The readings are from Isaiah 26:7-9, 12, 16-19; and the Gospel is from Matthew 11:28-30.

Transformation does not come by information alone but by the insights of life inspirations.

When pain is perceived as an experience as that of happiness, our intentions and awareness on God and life viewed from another angle.

The first reading presents us with the earnest prayer and longing of the prophet Isaiah in looking forward to experience God’s security and salvation.

Trusting comes by being patiently waiting for the Lord to do whatever God wishes to in our life.

We do not get used to our turns, but we turn to use every second.

“O Lord, you mete out peace to us, for it is you who have accomplished all we have done.” (Is. 26:12)

The responsorial Psalm praises, “From heaven the Lord looks down on the earth.” (Ps.102:20).

Carrying anything makes us tired unless it is carried out of love.

Yoke is a burden that makes us tired.  But the yoke of Christ makes us enthusiastic, generous, loving, caring, and forgiving.

Life is ploughed deep with the yoke of pain and persistence.

“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves.” (Mt. 11:29)

Christ alone can make our burdens light.  What we need to do is to unload our burden to carry it through our faith and living.  Jesus wants us to follow Him by obeying His Words.  Unlike the forced laws that make us weary and burdened, the Word of God allows us to have the freedom and liberty to be the children of God without fear.  Rest is assured in fear-free environment of love.

In partnering with Jesus, we can pull through anything impossible.  The experience of surrendering our pains and burdens to Jesus, we become much liberated and free of all that pulls us down.

Let us become intimate in relationship with Jesus.  Love of Jesus demands never delays.  May we grow in His love to share the same with the others.  Have a lovely day.  God bless you.