It is 10th March 2015. The readings are from Dan.3:25,34-43a and the Gospel from Mt. 18:21-35. The first reading is a prayer of Azariah for mercy from the furnace oven. He prayed that why must God be merciful to himself and for his people who are in captivity. “Do not put us to shame, but […]

It is 09th March 2015. The readings are from 2 Kgs. 5:1-15a and the Gospel from Lk 4:24-30. The first reading presents the story of Naaman healed of leprosy. God heals mostly through some human channels. It is that little girl’s faith brought healing to Naaman. You may think that what can I do when […]

It is 08th March 2015. The Third Sunday of the Lent. It is the Women’s day. We wish all our mothers, sisters and friends a happy and memorable day. May you always be our source of inspiration and strength for the entire humanity. Today’s readings are from Exod. 20:1-17; 1 Cor.1:22-25 and the Gospel from […]

It is 07th March 2015. The readings are from Mic.7:14-15, 18-20 and the Gospel from Lk.15:1-3,11-32. The first reading speaks about the mercy and forgiveness of God. God is so merciful and ever forgiving our sins. “Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives our sins? You do not stay angry forever […]

It is 06th March 2015. The readings are from Gen. 37:3-4,12-13a,17b-28a and the Gospel from Mt 21:33-43,45-46. The first reading is a story about Joseph, son of Jacob, who was sold for 20 pieces of silver while Christ was sold for 30 silver coins. He is the prototype of Christ’s suffering. This story is a […]

It is 05th March 2015. The readings are from Jer.17:5-10 and the Gospel from Lk 16:19-31. The first reading invites us to put trust in the Lord. The Prophet wanted us to know that there are two kinds of people on the face of the earth. One who puts their entire trust in the Lord […]

It is 04th March 2015. The readings are from Jer. 18:18-20 and the Gospel from Mt. 20:17-28. The first reading is the agony of Prophet Jeremiah for taking the side of the truth. The prophet spoke against everyone who was evil. He was so unpopular. People had a choice either to obey him or to […]

It is 03rd March 2015. The readings are from Is. 1:10, 16-20 and the Gospel from Mt. 23:1-12. The first reading points out that our conversion and sacrifices must be genuine. There are six acts of mercy are given to be clean and pure during this Lent. They are as follows: Stop sinning, learning to […]

It is 2nd March 2015. The readings are from Daniel 9:4b-10 and the Gospel from Lk.6:36-38. The first reading provides us a prayer of Daniel. Daniel looks at himself as a sinful person along with others before God. Sin brings shame and guilt in us. Sin makes us to be far from the original design […]

It is 01st March 2015. It is the Second Sunday of the Lent. It is also the Reconciliation Sunday. The readings are from Gen.22:1-2,9a, 10-13, 15-18; Rom. 8:31b-34 and the Gospel from Mk. 9:2-10. The first reading presents the total obedience of Abraham to God. This event is a protype of God the Father and […]